Friday, July 29

Three days... three cities

LA that is... :) Danielle and I got to Cali around 2:30 a.m. (Ohio time) and by the time we got to our final destination and were able to get settled... it was about 5 a.m. (again... Ohio time). So we spent yesterday in Arcadia, I think, and then drove down to Point Loma. We did some site seeing and at a very good restaurant. After crashing for the night, as we were still recovering from the flight, we accidently drove onto the Naval Submarine Base today. There, however, we got directions from a rather nice gentleman who directed us to the Point Loma Cemetary and then to a National Park. It was very cool. I hope that the pictures I took turned out ok. We then traveled half way back up towards LA where we met Amy. I switched vehicles and finished traveling to Montrose, while Danielle went back down towards San Diego. Speaking of vehicles, she rented the brightest, nearly neon blue PT Cruiser you have ever seen. It's cool to drive around in, but I don't know if I would ever own one.

Anywayz, there are so many things to do. Amy and I have four whole days to explore. I am pretty excited. The traffic out here is driving me nuts, however. I'm not driving, but the 5 lanes going both directions (totally 10 lanes) is more than I can handle. I read part of my book today while on the road becuase I couldn't handle all of the cars. The freeways are nuts!

Well, I'll have more to type about later. I'm getting tired as it is almost midnight here in Cali. At least I have adjusted to the time change! :)

Things to smile about:
:) awesome warm weather with now humidity.
:) The ocean
:) hanging out with an old friend who lives to far away


Blogger middle aged blogger said...

When mom and dad were in San Diego, and we would go every summer, Mark's mom always wondered if I'd get a job out there. Route 5 with it's 10, 12, in some places 16!!! lanes of traffic always made me sure to never look!

Enjoy your visit! :) MAB

29 July, 2005  
Blogger Jennifer from Ohio said...

I am so glad that it is going well. I was hoping that you might post from California!

Have fun!!!

29 July, 2005  

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