Tuesday, July 19


... I was going to write a short post and then proceed to bed when I realized that my bedsheets were in the washer. So I guess I have more time to type and goof off before bed.

I now have another animal added to my hit list. Not the hit list as in - I'm out to get them, but a hit list in the sense of what I've hit with my car. Tonight... a bird was the unfortunate. This is the second bird I have hit! It made the worst sound of a thump on my windshield. Anywayz... the only other animals on my hit list are squirrels and a rabbit. (Obivously all of the millions of bugs over the years are not being counted.) I don't know how many squirrels I have hit, but I remember the rabbit very well. I hate to break the news to those who believe in the Easter bunny, but he was actually hit 9 1/2 years ago the night before Easter. We were coming home from my grandma's house and he jumped in front of me. My mother thought I was going to cry (I was only 15 at this time). Instead... I started laughing so hard that I almost had to pull the car over. To this day my mother has the words memorized to a song that she wrote that night. It is to the tune of "Grandma got ran over by the reindeer"... only it starts "The Easter bunny got ran over by Erica". Unbelievable... my mother, not that I hit the rabbit.

Anywayz, not much else to blog about tonight. I went to Aldi, bought the Illuminate cd by D Crowder (thank you Vellers), had a meeting for Global Connections, and went to the Dilhouse for a fun night of Dilhole. I've never played that game before. I actually did pretty well. I contributed to the team effort anyway!

Okay, I've run out of things to say...at least for now. I'm sure I could come up with something else, but I would only bore you in the process and continue to assure you that I am indeed a nut. (I think I mentioned that in my last post... what's wrong with me?!?! I'm starting to believe the guys that pick on me!) :)

Things to smile about:
:) getting things done on when-I-get-to-them time
:) Dilhouse
:) my exersize ball (which serves as my chair for the computer desk... pretty funny stories are starting to come about... but I'll let my rommie fill you in on those. )


Blogger Jennifer from Ohio said...

Funny you should mention your Hit List. Last night when driving at a darker time than I should have, I was very pleased to notice and avoid a bunny hopping in my path. However, after parking the car at home, I saw something odd in the driveway and realized that i had run over a very large bull frog. I made Daniel come and dispose of it and I continue to mourn Mr. Frog. Maybe you can laugh about it for me! :)

20 July, 2005  

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