Wednesday, July 13

It has been so long and so many things have happened, that I don't know what to write first or write at all! :)

I left last Tuesday for Boone, North Carolina. We stayed in the mountains for 5 days. Getting to our cabin was a small adventure in and of itself as we had to put the car in 1st gear, go about 5 miles an hour and keep the car between the delicate line of drop off, huge rocks and a ditch (that allows the water to run down so the street/driveway didn't wash out). They actually warned us when we checked in that we were suppose to geta lot of rain and that if the drive washed away they would be out as soon as they could to fix it! Okay, it's time to make a list...

Things we did in Boone, NC:
* Put-put
* Grandfather Mountain
* Mile-high suspended bridge on G.father Mountain
* Park at G.father M. with exhibits of bald eagles, panthers, deer, otters, etc.
* Scottish games (an entire day of men walking around in kilts... and yes, they addmitted to being authentic... in other words, goin' comando)
*a whole day at the cabin sitting on the covered deck while it rained
* 2 1/2 books
* 1 600+ piece puzzle
* games
* shopping! My step-dad got be this really cool jacket and a shirt that says "Masquerading as a normal person day by day is exhausting"
* Sunday service at a very southern United Methodist church
* more shopping
* and a whole lot of relaxing!

On our way back we stopped in Bristol, VA to visit Mike's family. We, of course, did some more shopping and went out to eat with the family. This was the first day of the whole trip that my cell phone worked, so needless to say, I was on my phone for over an hour talking to about five different people. The next morning we left Bristol and headed for home (that was yesterday). I drove from Bristol, VA to Urbana, OH. 7 1/2 hours! It was a beautiful drive. We didn't take 81, we took different country highways through the hills of VA. It added 20 min. to our trip, but it was worth it... and I didn't have to freak out about the heavy traffic on 81.

Anywayz, as much driving as I had done yesterday, I got back in my car last night and drove down to St. Paris to see my grandparents. We kinda watch the game, but did more talking. It was good to see them. As alwayz, gma was asking me when I was going to move home. :) It is so nice to be wanted.

Well, I've babbled for a while and although I could talk about more, dinner is being served and we are going to play cards at dad's tonight to celebrate the big birthday weekend. Sherry's and sis' on Sat. and mine on Sunday. 36, 11, and 25 respectively. Man, I'm getting old! ;)

See you all soon! I miss ya!


Blogger middle aged blogger said...

We miss you too here up North. Your roomie was really missing you Monday! and all of us missed you on the Montessori shopping adventure yesterday. 7 of us went tucked in CB's new used van. People who went:
TH, CB, LR, LD, SD, RS and me MP or MAB! Fun!

14 July, 2005  

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