Thursday, August 3


Most people don't like things to change. I, on the other hand, don't mind it at all. It has been a big part of my life. Just the other day I was talking to J and counted 18 different times that I have moved... and I'm only 26! The house I am in now is the longest I have lived somewhere since I was 5. :) No wonder I like to rearrange the furniture (either in my bedroom or downstairs) every 3 to 4 months!

Anywayz, God has been making some changes again this summer. Not big ones like moving, but smaller yet significant ones. For example:
* I'm not single! :) (Not exactly the most spiritual of all changes, but a fun one nonetheless.)
* deeper, stronger relationships with friends
* awareness for those hurting around me
* the opportunities to love on those hurting
* nearly every single day being able to verbally confirm that God loves us (to those who are hurting)
* being more in the world than I ever have and not being of it
* realizing my strength and confidence in God and how He is creating me in His image
* noticing more times of feeling emotionally drained (telling me that I am pouring out more love than ever before) and spending those quiet times to get a refill :)
* really, truely taking this faith walk as my own

Wow, that's pretty cool. I hadn't intended on the list being that long, but the more I got to thinking, the more things came up. I am different than who I was at the beginning of the summer.

I would appreciate prayer as I continue to show God's love. Everyday I have asked God what I can do to help... and everyday I get answers such as pray and listen. I don't feel like I am doing anything when praying and listening is all I do... but I guess it is doing something... if nothing else, obeying.

Things to smile about today:
:) the above list of growth and change
:) a phone call I just received about a friend pulling a C in the class when it was only mathmatically possible to get a D... and being able to tell her that I have been praying specifically for her in that class (and other things) for two weeks and that I believe God pulled that one off. (She has a relationship with the Lord, just walked away a few years back and wants to do her own thing right now. I believe God has put me in her life to remind her of Him. So that's what I'm going to continue to do! :0) )
:) OH MY! Winning a second place for one of my pictures in the county fair!


Blogger Jennifer from Ohio said...

Congrats on your fair win! I didn't go this year. What picture was it?

03 August, 2006  
Blogger middle aged blogger said...

Great - can you post it on line?

love MA B

04 August, 2006  

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