Saturday, January 22

This must have been a week meant for new things...

Not only have I started coaching, but last night I got to learn how to dance... to Irish folk music. I was so much fun! It wasn't that riverdance stuff... It was more like square dancing. Only to Irish music. My roomie played the accordian for the band. (That's the connection. I didn't just go seek this out on my own,) Nonetheless, I am excited to have learned a new hobbie and I look forward to the next class. I'm not sure when it is... guess I should look into that one.

Afterward, a couple of new friends came over. These two have been teaching at the Montessori on fridays (recorder club). They are currently music majors at the University. It was great to be in that kind of atmosphere again... you know, all that music language being thrown around. I almost started missing it. I enjoy what God has given me now... I'm not so sure I could go back to a lifestyle of constant practice. Anywayz, that's not the point of starting this paragraph. I wanted to tell you about Lauren. (She was one of them that came over.) She is 21 and a fairly new christian. She hasn't been to church in a while, so I kindly and politely told her that she was coming to church on Sunday. :) It really wasn't as bold and blunt as it sounded. She had made a comment that she would like to come to the Naz... that's when I followed it with this sunday would be a great time to start. So... now on Sunday nights, we will be having a bible study at our house. She was hesitant about bible study, expressing that she didn't know what to do. By that time in the conversation, we had been talking a long time about God and the Bible and where we each were in our lives and what had happened in the past... so it was really exciting for me to inform her that what we were doing, was bible study. She seemed a little surprised. I don't think she thought it could have been that informal. We were talking about God, about our lives, about where God fit into our lives, and what the Bible had to say about it. How much more Bible study could you get?!? We didn't pick apart verses and debate about this translation versus that translation, but we grew, God was there, and a tiny spark was put back into Lauren that had been blown out a while ago.

I'm excited... as if you couldn't tell. I think God is going to do awesome things with this group. I am curious as to who else will be joining, or if God is going to keep it the group it is now. A lot of healing will be taking place. As we talked last night, I learned that Lauren has a lot of emotional healing. A lot of the same emotional healing that I had to go through at that age. (I just made myself sound really old... lol. Isn't it amazing where and how God can take you in just three years.) I also learned that God will be teaching me a lot as He guides me through this friendship.

This is an answer to prayer. For the last couple of months I have been praying that God would bring a bible study that didn't pre-read any material, didn't go off of any pre-written questions (not that those things are bad), but that the bible study would be a time to come and share where you are in life, what you have been reading and how that all fits together. I was sitting on my couch last night talking to Lauren and God said to me... "This is it. I know you didn't want to lead it, but this is it. If you want it, take it." So I did. I didn't want to lead it. I didn't want to have to worry about opening my home once a week. But here I am, following God.

Lord bless my home as people enter and leave. Holy Spirit fill it with your presence. Allow us to be open and real as we were last night. Allow healing to take place when You want it to take place. Let us not push each other into a faster recovery than is needed... and let us not take our time, missing some great opportunities along the way. Soften hearts that need to be softened. Build self-confidence where it needs to be built and be the leading conversationalist. Thank you, Lord. For this new chapter. For Your love. For the support system around me. For the growth that has happened through this support system around me, and the ability now to have it grow through me and into other's lives.


Blogger notreallydoingthis said...

erica... you came up at dinner time this evening. you are more than wonderful! my family appreciates all your love and support during some pretty hard times:) we love you
emily b

23 January, 2005  

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