Monday, January 10

I wonder...

… how do they get the ‘m’s on the m&m candies? I was eating some very yummy m&ms today and started thinking about this question. I came up with some answers, but it would be interesting to know the true answer.
I know, I know… I’m crazy, but you gotta love me! J

The last few days have been filled with blessings, pain and joy. My mother made a comment about when you are involved in a larger community like the school or church, you experience more pain. That is so true, but at the same time, you get to experience more joy as well. Praise God that He is bigger than everything and can overcome anything. Praise God that He allows us, and desires us to develop these relationships and experiences. It amazes me to think of the depths of the relationships. I am very blessed. I could never have dreamt about a support system this strong. When one gets stronger, we all get stronger. When one becomes weak, we come together to support them and help build them up. Thank you, Lord.

Tonight at Bible study, there were some things that came up that I don't really agree with. I'm still wrestling with the ideas, but nonetheless, they are not sitting with me well. We kinda talked about this mornings message, but also got off track. Towards the end, we were given quotes to read out loud. One of my quotes I had to read stated, "God isn't looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him." - Hudson Taylor What was the mind set behind this statement? I want to go into how I feel about this, but it is 12:30 am and I must go to bed. Besides, I'm not sure I'm ready to verbalize how I feel just yet. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it.


Blogger middle aged blogger said...

You're not crazy and of course I love you!

12 January, 2005  

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