$3.00 parking ticket
Yes, I got a $3 parking ticket. I forgot to put a coin in the meter at lunch today. What was I thinking? (I guess you could argue that I wasn't... :) )
m.a.b. - I'm a little surprised you don't know who I am talking about! Think turtleneck and a day and a half in your room because math work would just ruin her life! As far as the tantrum, it was a surprise to me, but not to Tricia.
Day 2 at school went just as well as day 1. One little boy cried (a different one) at the end of the session. I'm not sure if he was sad that he was leaving or if he had just figured out that mommy wasn't there. Either way, mom was waiting at the door and he calmed down. Unfortunately, our little boy who was overwhelmed yesterday and threw a minor fit, wasn't here today. Mom called saying that he and his little brother had fevers of 102! I hope that he is well enough to come tomorrow. This week is so important. Especially for him!
Today we learned how to pull out and push in our chair. We also learned peg work. The children are having fun as new options are being opened with each day. Our peace corner was used a lot today, too!
Well, I'm hungry and I just got home from work. So... I'm going to go eat dinner. I hope all of you had a great day!
Things to smile about:
:) Rain
:) an hour lunch with the EC teachers and the new director (at Panera!)
:) Dry, warm clothes
m.a.b. - I'm a little surprised you don't know who I am talking about! Think turtleneck and a day and a half in your room because math work would just ruin her life! As far as the tantrum, it was a surprise to me, but not to Tricia.
Day 2 at school went just as well as day 1. One little boy cried (a different one) at the end of the session. I'm not sure if he was sad that he was leaving or if he had just figured out that mommy wasn't there. Either way, mom was waiting at the door and he calmed down. Unfortunately, our little boy who was overwhelmed yesterday and threw a minor fit, wasn't here today. Mom called saying that he and his little brother had fevers of 102! I hope that he is well enough to come tomorrow. This week is so important. Especially for him!
Today we learned how to pull out and push in our chair. We also learned peg work. The children are having fun as new options are being opened with each day. Our peace corner was used a lot today, too!
Well, I'm hungry and I just got home from work. So... I'm going to go eat dinner. I hope all of you had a great day!
Things to smile about:
:) Rain
:) an hour lunch with the EC teachers and the new director (at Panera!)
:) Dry, warm clothes
Ok you're right - should have guessed. She will be (is!) a famous star (to all of us who love her if not on stage!)!
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