Sunday, August 14

How can you love someone, truely, and not agree with how God is working in their life? How can you be excited for someone when you don't support what you are excited about? How can you say you believe something is from God but you refuse to trust Him in how He may or may not incorporate it into your life? How can you stand on such a firm ground that isn't based upon The Corner Stone?

I don't have answers for these questions. And I don't believe I'll get answers for these questions because they are so contradicting.

I found something interesting today. It kinda shocked me, as it is very direct. I don't have a prayer language and I have never spoken in tongues... I haven't even been around anyone when this was happening (that I know of), but I know that it is biblical. If God ever chooses to give me this gift, I won't refuse it. (For those that may be randomly reading my blog or do not know what I am referencing here, go to and read his post "makes no sense". (Hope it was ok that I referenced you Dilbone :) ) Dilbone describes everything better than I could... and I don't have to type all of it! :) Anywayz, here was a verse that I found today. I'll let you develop your own thoughts. I know where mine are. Not sure how I am going to act on them just yet, and I have some more praying and thinking to do, but another light has been turned on and I am going to continue looking for light switches.

Therefore, my brothers, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way. 1 Corinthians 14:39-40

Was there any room left for things to be done in a fitting and orderly way?


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