Wednesday, August 10

So I complain about gas prices...

... and God gives me a solution to not using the gas up in my car. Not so sure if I favor the idea and didn't really enjoy the process of making things normal again, but I agree... it was a solution! :) The solution you ask? Oh, something small... like my car not starting! :) See if I ever complain about gas prices again! The whole thing makes me laugh when I think about it from this perspective. I must say that there was an answer to prayer in all of this. Once I saw my car go byebye behind a big scary tow truck, I prayed that total costs (towing, parts and labor) would be under $100.00. I know that the towing alone was going to be $35.00... so this left little room for parts and labor. This morning I got a phone call saying that no parts needed to be replaced and the computer chip just needed to be reset. When I got the final bill, it was for $99.05! I just had to laugh. I'm sure the guy at the garage thought I was nuts for giggling a little, but he didn't ask and I didn't tell. My mother's reaction to this story was, "Couldn't you have prayed that it would have been under $50.00?" Yes, I guess I could have, but honestly... I thought asking for $100.00 was a little tight.

Anywayz, the reason the computer chip needed to be replaced was because the theft alarm system had been triggered. I don't know what set it off, but it wouldn't let my car start until it had been reset. Apparently this is an hour long process... hince the cost of labor being so high.

So yeah, that's my car story. I've been in the classroom with Tricia for the past two days. We have accomplished a lot of work! All of the shelves are cleaned. A lot of the work has been replaced for the beginning of the year, and half of the wicker furniture has been spray painted. We also have the best peace corner in the school (I know, I know... it's not a compitition) and quite a few new pictures on the walls to replace some old ones. I was thankful she was the one who suggested replacing them. The fat gold frames just weren't looking all to new anymore. There is a lot of work left to do in the room, but we are well ahead of schedule and excited about the new year starting!

Okay, gotta go. The bannana nut dressing needs my attention in order to have it finished for tonight!

Things to smile about today:
:)God's blessings (sometimes a.k.a. His sense of humor)
:)times of growth
:)the anticipation of new funny stories from the kids


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