Monday, August 29

And we're off...

1 crying 4 year old...
1 semi-tantrum 4 year old...
and 34 other "honey mooners"...

I call them "honey mooners" because this is considered our honeymoon week. Reality will hit next week with some of the kids when they start coming for a longer length of time. This week is good, in that it gives them the reassurance that mommy and daddy will come back for you, but doesn't have the same feel to it as a full day.

So today we learned some very important lessons. The first lesson of the day was showing them our special room. We told them the name of this special room was the bathroom. We then proceeded to show them where the light switch was, where the toilet paper was, how to flush the toilet, turn out the light, and then a complicated 6 step process to wash your hands. :) Granted none of this is really difficult for adults, but to the little ones, one or two steps can get left out frequently... and depending on the step... it isn't to pretty. As always, one of our little girls forgot to shut the door before she went to the bathroom. It was a race to see which teacher could get there first! ;)

After that demonstration, we learned how to carry a basket, bowl and tray very carefully so that nothing would spill. We also learned how to unroll a rug, get our name cards (this is one of the most exciting steps), do a puzzle, put the name card away and roll up the rug. Don't let the rug get away from you!

Okay, I know. I sound like I'm crazy... and some of you already believe that. But I'm not. Today was a very important day to establish the ground rules so that our classroom can become a community and support a more nurturing environment for the children to learn. If the basics are covered and supported by the teachers, then the whole child can be developed from there.

And (drum roll please...) MY FIRST STORY OF THE YEAR!
One of our 5 year olds, who we will call Danielle (just because using my roomie's name sounds like a good idea right now), was asked to demonstrate how to carry a basket. Miss Tricia had already shown this work and wanted to give the children a turn. Danielle asked if she could have a turn and so Miss Tricia called on her. As soon as she stood up, she froze. She didn't want to move. Miss Tricia asked if she could walk with her to the Practical Life shelf to get the basket to carry. Danielle responded that she was scared. When Miss Tricia acknowledge that she was scared, the little girl started shaking her knees. You could tell that she wasn't shaking out of emotion, but rather for attention. You could also tell that she was trying her hardest to make it look real. Once Miss Tricia grabbed her hand, everything seemed to be okay. She later acted out the shaking of knees when it became time to choose work. Danielle will some day act on stage. I am sure of it!

Things to smile about today:
:) A great first day
:) A nap when I got home from school


Blogger Jennifer from Ohio said...

Welcome back to school. It sounds like it is going to be a great year!

30 August, 2005  
Blogger middle aged blogger said...

We're going to have to figure out who that was, cause I can't stand it!

Great stories - enjoy your week getting to know them all. Was the tantrum 4 yr. old the boy you thought it would be - or a surprise?

Love - MA Blogger

30 August, 2005  

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