Sunday, October 16

Hmmm.... Not sure what I'm going to write as I'm sitting here. I just decided that this would probably be more fun than watching the football game. There are so many flags thrown that it gets aggrevating! :)

Well, my car is fixed. The ignition cylinder was bad. So... $436 later I have a car that starts every time. The timeing couldn't have been worse. (Well, maybe it could have, but it didn't seem like it at the time.) I had to have my car this weekend because I am staying in Weston for the next several days. Christin had to get to work and I was responsible. And... I only have 10 payments left! Couldn't it have waited until after the car was paid off? Then at least it would have felt like one more month's payoff. Oh well, it's done and I (knock on wood) shouldn' have to do anything to it for a long time. I just went over 50,000 miles!

Enough about my car.

I get to go home this next weekend. I am taking a personal day a week from Monday. It will be nice to have a three day weekend with my family. It is actually my grandparents 50th wedding aniversary. There is going to be a big bon fire and hopefully all of the cousins. Some of them I haven't seen in 8 years. It's a big family, but still.

Things to smile about today:
:) Peaceful afternoons
:) Friendships
:) Understanding


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