Wednesday, October 5

It's 7:43 p.m. and, if not already, my roomie will soon be seeing and listening to Keith Urban. How could she not be any happier? There will be sweet dreams tonight. :)

So, the laugh for the day...

Today we showed the first three geometric solids. Cube, Cone and Sphere. This is exciting work because two people can work on it at the same time and play a hide and seek game with them. (one child hides it behind their back the other guesses which one is missing). Anywayz, I was playing this with one of our 4's and he guessed correctly for all three. The first one he identified as the cone. Then he correctly identified the cube. And thirdly, he identified the safari. It sounded more like sfari... which to him, was the same thing! He knew what the beginning sound was, he just forgot the ending sound! I enlighted Tricia of our new work and we both got a kick out of it! :)

Things to smile about today:
:) Safari
:) Dinner/planning time with Tricia
:) Reconnecting with old friends


Blogger middle aged blogger said...

That's what I'll do in my retirement - I should write a book of definitions...safari, metal insects, etc...

What do you think?

You and Tricia are a great pair - it sounds like you are having a great year so far!

Love, MA Blogger

06 October, 2005  

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