Monday, September 19

Today was interesting...

One of our 5's couldn't do work because she is "already the smartest student in the school." I informed her that even the smartest person in the world still didn't know everything and that there is always something new to learn and explore. She didn't appreciate my answer. :)

So anywayz, I'm tired. I had hoped that I wouldn't be tired by now, but it I am. I know I"ll slowly build up my energy, but I would like to to come faster. :) On that note, our children are building up thier energy. We only had one that cried today... and even then it wasn't for long. A day of very little crying was music to my ears!

Well, I'm off. I need to go to the store. I am baking a special something for group tomorrow night. I also have a ton of stuff I want to get done around the house... and a game has to be coming on soon. :)

Things to smile about today:
:) Compliments
:) Inventory done!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger middle aged blogger said...

Oh I have to talk to that is a thought. Every day more new knowledge is acquired in the world than any single person could learn 24/7 their entire lifetime. That little girl - I have a geometry book we bought for that boy that didn't come to middle school - you could borrow it from Dawn and ask her to do the first 5 chapters or so...)

:) MA Blogger

19 September, 2005  

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