Wednesday, September 21

126 Crisis Care Kits have been put together. I went through them tonight to make sure that everything was there. Believe it or not, I only had four that I had to pull out! I was amazed. Anywayz, it sounds like we will need to continue these care kits due to the weather development down south. I am in awe at how hard the coast has been hit this year.

I got a phone call from my best friend from high school. We haven't talked since our soph. year in college. I was so excited to hear from her. You couldn't separate us. I hope that we will be able to keep the lines of communication open. She now lives in Virginia... I think. :)

School is going well. The third week worries and wearies are over. The children are doing wonderfully in the morning. The afternoon is a little rough, though. We have one that breaks down at lunch and can't pull it back together at all for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, he breaks down in regards to behavior. His parents are trying to change medicines again. The one they tried this summer didn't work. This transition time is nuts! I don't know how he can continue. He knows he shouldn't do those things, but he continues anyway. The amazing thing is that when you are able to get him into the hallway where no one else is around, he completely changes. Attitude, behavior... even his spirit turns positive. He is a totally different child. Consequences do nothing, mean nothing. Most of the time he can't remember what he did wrong by the time you get his attention and ask him to talk to you and/or the child he hurt. It isn't ok that he is hurting other children, but it is even worse that he is hurting himself.

Enough on that. I could go on for a while and still come up with no answers.

Tomorrow should be fun. We are having a CSI night! Big screen at the church (really, really, really big screen). Woo hoo!!!

Things to smile about:
:) old friendships becoming new
:) my tattoo (random, but makes me smile nonetheless)


Blogger Jennifer from Ohio said...

Great to see you on Thursday. I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.

24 September, 2005  

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