Wednesday, September 22

Rubberbands and Paperclips

You know... I never thought about rubberbands and paperclips and how they were directly related to my life. I know used them in my first blogs as examples of how God has put my life together, but a whole new view has been brought to my attention.

As far as paperclips go... I'm not sure if I hold everything around me together, as mentioned in a comment. Sometimes I feel as if I'm holding nothing together... rather, I'm waiving my arms around creating a disaster.

But rubberbands... I never thought of my character in relation to a rubberband and how God stretches it. It's actually kind of neat when you start thinking about it.

Rubberbands need to be stretched. It's their purpose (along with holding things together). If they are not stretched on a regular basis, they snap at the first sign of expansion. But if you continue to stretch them and use them... they can last forever.

We were meant to be stretched too. If we don't stretch our character, how can we become more like Christ? And those that have experienced a longer period of time not allowing ourselves to be stretched, feel as if we are going to snap at the first sign of growth. (myself included) The awesome thing is that when we do snap... (because everyone of us try to do things on our own strength) God's grace is more than enough to pick us back up, tie the ends together, and start stretching again.

The parts that broke, with the ties now holding them together, they never go away. Rather, they remind us of when we once were broken and how God put us back together.


Blogger middle aged blogger said...

And just think of all those little bows as God's decorations of us!!! :)

23 September, 2004  

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