Monday, May 16

Fun stories from the day

I know I've blogged already today... but there were some funny stories that I walked away with this afternoon.

As you know, I observed in the classroom today. The kids associate me with the office (which is expected) and one little girl must have thought that I was there to watch for "bad" behavior. I was observing from my chair and she was working at a table near me. In the middle of her work, she leaned over and wispered, "I hope you don't tell Miss Marie anything." I wanted to bust out laughing, but I didn't. I don't know what she was concerned about. She is the perfect Montessori child.

Later, a child was working on a land formations booklet and wanted to write her last name on the front. The teacher confirmed that she could go ahead and her response was, "But Miss Tricia, I only know T H O." (Her last name is Thomas.) This may not be as funny to you as it was to me, but my first thought went to S.D. Love ya...

Okay, I'm off. I have to get dinner started!


Blogger Scott said...

When you took the cert. exams did you have to take the praxis exams or did you have to take the general knowledge exams?

16 May, 2005  

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