Tuesday, March 8

When life gives you lemons...

... squirt it on lobster (or so says a commercial). Well, I've been given a few lemons lately... I'm just waiting on the lobster to squirt it on! :)

It is always good to know when healing has taken place. I believe that some relationships are on their way there... and for that I am thankful for. The last few months just haven't been as enjoyable. It isn't always easy, however. I feel like I am learning a lot... and a lot was put before me today. God as my strength, I listened, broke down, shared and continued to listen some more.

I know that I didn't talk as much as they would have liked. But I'm not one to be able to spit out my thoughts as quickly. I learned very young to think things through... and if needed, take time to process them correctly. I also have learned that some of my thoughts need not be expressed. They are healthy for me to work through, learn and grow, but they are for me. I know that I shared what God wanted me to share. I started praying as we sat down and stayed in communion with Him most of the time. He was able to beat down the lies the devil was trying to feed me. He was able to calm me down to get out what was needed, and He was able to glorify Himself in my words at the very end. I think that is what I am most thankful for. I really needed to express it correctly and have not been able to find the words in my mind... until it was time to say them. I now have more confidence in being able to come to a decision by the end of the week. Things that may have been assummed... I hope were taken care of today.

Emotionaly... I'm better.
Spiritually... I've realized that I am much stronger.
Physically... I'm still exhausted. Speaking of which, I am having more lab tests done on Wednesday. I'm not sure what the next step is, but I'm trying less expensive options before moving into the thousands of dollars. :) Pray that the correct problem will be found and treated... Life wasn't meant to be lived exhausted, and I refuse to keep going like this.


Blogger Danielle said...

I'm so glad to hear it! I look forward to hearing about and seeing the fruits of this time.

08 March, 2005  

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