Thursday, April 27

It's Thursday... all day... and I wouldn't have minded if it was Friday.

This morning in circle (the time when we are all gathered before and after our "work" time) a little boy announced that he had made a wish to be invisible. After he further explained, Miss C mentioned that she had never met anyone that was invisible. She then asked me and I had to sadly admit that I had never met anyone that was invisible as well. One of our little girls then said, "God is invisible." Miss C confirmed that thought and was trying to figure out how to get the conversation focused back on preparing for the demonstration when the little boy with the wish said, "It'll all be in God's time when I become invisible." Miss C also confirmed this thought and simple said, "On that note... Open, shut them. Open, shut them. Now we give a clap. Open, shut them. Open, shut them. Put them in your lap." (Our little song to get their hands still and their minds on the demonstration.)

Such a profound thought that little boy had and so funny at the same time. He is only 5! 5 and learning important life lessons like God's timing. Needless to say, he is still convinced that he will turn invisible simply because he blew all of the white fuzzies off of the dandilion.

Things to smile about today:
:) Kenduby
:) backwards turtleneck
:) softball starting in 9 days

Sunday, April 23

Spring break will officially be over in 1 hour 27 min. I can't believe it went so fast, and yet I think I got a reasonable amount of things accomplished. Among those things were visiting as much family as possible in Logan/Champaign County.

The only bad thing about spring break was getting off of my sleeping schedule. It might haunt me this week. We'll see.

Anywayz, just a few points to review (quickly) my last few days:

*Roomie's graduate recital
*beautiful sunsets
*mushroom hunting (only found poisonous... but I did get a thorn through the sole of my shoe)
*time with mom
*time with: mom, mike, dad, sherry, mickayla, travis, wes, g&g Ropp, g&g Armstrong, tonia, aunt dee, joey, daniel
*several hours in the car WITH MUSIC (I think I've blogged about something similar already :) )

Tuesday, April 18

Things to smile about today:
:) great group of b-ball girls and a fun end of season party
:) time with friends
:) lunch with M&M
:) MUSIC IN MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I gave up music in my car for lent)
:) going to B-town tomorrow
:) getting Captivating in the mail
:) creating an on-line ordering system for the studio
:) more potential clients

Saturday, April 8

Things to smile about:
:) First Sat. in 10 weeks with no planned activity
:) 4 school days until spring break
:) all wedding photos printed and ready to be put in proof book
:) both grandmas home from the hospital and doing much better (one fell and broke her shoulder the other had pnuemonia (sp?) )
:) the sunshine
:) Adult Easter Egg Scramble... spending that time with friends
:) Dinner before the scramble
:) grilled hamburgers at the Dilhouse

Saturday, April 1

It's been awhile since my feet have been in heels for 8 hours. The only way to sum it up... OUCH!

It was a great 8 hours, though. The Bride, Groom and Bridal Party were so much fun to photograph. It makes my job a lot easier! Between my partner and myself, we have close to 1000 images. Some will get deleted... but still. That's a lot!

The ceremony was beautiful. God was there.

Things to smile about:
:) God's blessings
:) capturing special moments
:) spying on cute groomsmen... with a camera lens... yes I am guilty!
:) laughing at myself
:) laughing with others
:) what is to come