Friday, December 31


Years are like the wind
They're here and gone and then
They'll blow away our every trace
All except our names engraved in

One by one they mark our passage
Along this winding road we're on
With each turn we take
From the craddle to the grave
Our lives are paved with

I do believe these are some of my favorite lyrics. I just wanted to share them with you.

Wednesday, December 29

IT IS FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!

Day 3...

... and I forgot to comment on day 2. Day 2 actually went very well. We returned the wall paper that didn't work and as I was walking out of the isle with the new textured wall paper, I saw the answer!!! It's a wall paper that you rip and then put on the wall. It is heavier and a marbled look, so you can't see through it and you can't see the seams of the wall paper underneath either! It looks really good. I'm glad that I saw it on the way out. The only hurdle is that it is a little more expensive than regular wall paper, but dad likes it enough that he doesn't care. I also started painting the room off of the kitchen. I am using the paint that was meant for the kitchen and it goes really well. I've only done one wall, but at most, I'll do the wall parallel to it. The cream colored walls contrast well with the light peach color I picked out. I also used a really cool technique that softened the color even more. I painted about a squar foot at a time, and then used a Wal-Mart plastic bag (inside out) to smush it. When you take the plastic bag off, it leaves lines from where the paint came off and gives it a neat little effect of a textured wall. I know it sounds a little odd, but it really works and looks really cool. Almost a sponging effect, only I like this better. :)

So, it is half way through day 3 and I now have two walls done in the kitchen and only one left. (The fourth wall may bet torn out from the ceiling to counter top level to create more cabinet space and a nice big window to open up the kitchen more.) I'm hoping that I will only spend another two to three hours on the kitchen. The ripping takes a while though. You have to get the right size pieces after a while... even though you slightly overlap the edges.

Anywayz, I should go work some more. I want to get this done! I was hoping to be back in BG tomorrow. We'll see if I get there.

Monday, December 27

Day 1...

... 30 year old wall paper * 1 on top, 1 on bottom with a border in the middle * 4 hours and less than one wall done * wall paper (when coming off) taking the first layer of dry wall with it * decision made to not paint, but re-wall paper * beautiful wall paper found at Lowe's * brought home, put one piece up, and you can see the old wall paper through it * give up and try the wall paper in another room * even though it is self-adhesive... it won't completely seal to the wall * give up cause that room is going to get painted with the paint that was orginally meant for the kitchen * 12 hours later, and I'm completely frustrated with a messy kitchen with wall paper on three walls and partially off of another wall... and seems that show through on any new paper that we may decide to put up!

HELP!!!! I need a solution for the kitchen. Well, I had a solution, but dad doesn't like the idea really. I say we just put up new dry wall on the existing walls. Start clean! Something about to much money... doesn't money grow on trees? :)

So, I don't know where to go from here. All I know for sure is that I have a gallon of paint that needs to be used, four rolls of wall paper that need to be returned and only two days to do something so that the kitchen isn't a disaster before I leave to come back to BG.

I guess I'll sleep on it.

I don't have a title... you'll just have to read

It came and went so fast! I can't believe Christmas is already over. I did get to see a lot of family members... and a good friend of mine. I learned today that another cousin sprouted! My aunt and uncle has a foster child. He seems to be very pleasant and shy. He has only lived with them for one week. They are hoping to be able to allow him to live with them until he is 18 or out of the system. I believe he is currently 13. He has had a hard life. Praise God for the protection He gave me, and for the protection He is now giving Joe.

My mind is thinking about so many things that I don't know where to begin or what to blog about. The amount of snow on the ground is crazy! I guess that speaks the loudest right now. We got over 20 inches in Bellefontaine and another storm of equal value is going to hit in a week and a half. There are snow mounds 5 to 6 feet high already... where is the snow from this storm going to go? Speaking of snow mounds... I went into one today. It wasn't bad. I was trying to turn into my uncle's drive way (because my brother parked in the easy end to pull into) and I didn't make the turn sharp enough. Of course, it is rather difficult to turn a 135 degree angle... on snow... with very little clearance. Needless to say... I put the front end of my car in the snow pile. Lucky for me, my uncle was just getting home from work.. (saw the whole thing... laughed for a little while) and got it out for me. My brother had to push the front end. It was quite eventful. I must add that it was the first time I have put my car in the snow... knock on wood.

Well, it's late. I just got home from visiting my friend in Urbana, but I'm tired and need to go to bed. Tomorrow starts the construction! Okay, so it's not construction, but I am ripping wall paper all day and will hopefully be able to paint Tuesday. (My Christmas present to my father and step mother who currently have pink wall paper, orange counter tops, and dark brown cupboards...) Getting rid of the pink is a good start... and I think I have convinced them to spend a little money and put in new countertops too! Eventually, I will get them out of the 60's as far as decorating their kitchen goes!

Night :)

Thursday, December 23

Snow, snow, snow...

I am so thankful that I came to my mother's house Tuesday night! I woke up Wednesday morning with a lot of snow covering the ground. As the day went on, the snow got higher and higher and higher. Before the last day light left, the snow was half way up my tires and had fully covered all the windows so that only a foot of my car (the middle section so to speak) could be seen. Needless to say, this morning when I awoke, the tires of my car were under the snow... the snow from the trunk of my car was shifted to the front from the wind, causing the whole front end of my car to be under snow. All you can see is the back doors and the trunk! How crazy is this!!

Anywayz, I hope we will be able to travel for Christmas. I'm not sure what the weather has coming in the next 24 hours. We'll find out! :)

I wonder if it is good snowman snow?!? I might have to find out!

Monday, December 20

1/2 birthday blooper

Okay, so I know that I'm at work, but this was to funny and I had to blog about it right away.

Here at Montessori, we celebrate half birthdays for the children whose birthday's fall in the summer. (We also celebrate the other children's birthday's).

Anywayz, today there was a half birthday for a third grader. She came into the office after her classroom celebration to give the office staff one of her cookies that she had made. L told her happy birthday and the child corrected her saying that it was her half birthday. So, L said, "Well then maybe we should wish you a hap birth". And then me, in my open mouth insert foot mode, said ... "or, could we wish you a Ppy Day." (The second half of Hap Birth...) Obviously it came out sounding like Pee Day. I think the office staff about lost it. I did too! I know my face turned red.

Okay, gotta go back to work.

Sunday, December 19


I am officially on strike. No more buckeye making for a few days! I've made close to 300 this past week!

Anywayz, today was a good day. This morning was a little comical with the glove throwing, and all... but... what do you do? I honestly did not mean for the glove to go on stage. I just needed it off of my hand so that I could continue ringing the bells! Let's hope the same thing doesn't happen Tues. when I play for the kids. :)

I wish I could write more, but I really must go to bed. I am so tired. I hope everyone had a great weekend.


Friday, December 17

It's Friday...

... doesn't that say it all?

Today was hard. There is a lot of stress in the work place and my heart is burdened for so many people. It got the better of me today. I had to leave. I didn't actually leave work, but I did sneak away to a stairwell that isn't used that often and sat there and cried. I can see how we are hurting. I see the effects that it is having on relationships... and it is all to much for me to take in right now. I want to help. I want to relieve stress. I want people to consider the important, throw away the "little" stuff and not forget that our first priority is to love one another. To speak to one another in love, to think about one another in love, to help one another in love, and to trust one another in love. Everything we do... it is a must. There is no other way to do it. I am just as guilty as everyone else that works there. We've had our down times, we've had our up times. Right now happens to be a down time... and we need to remember to learn from this. We have our strengths... we have our weakness. My fear is that weaknesses are being focused on instead of encouraged to strengthen. Our worries are becoming our mindset instead of the hope.

Father, heal our staff. We all carry different burdens and wounds. Some received from each other, some received outside of the school family. Either way, let us lean on each other instead of ourselves. Let us be open insted of closed. Allow us to care for each other instead of keeping each other wounded. Father help us. We are tired... exhausted... worried... annoyed... fearful... disgusted... hurt...
We need cleansed. We need an emotional detox. But I also know that we need to be willing. Holy Spirit move in our lives to break down walls. Soften our hearts and let them not be hardened by past circumstances.

Monday, December 13

update, corrections

I talked to my friend Amy today. I was able to get a better understanding of what is going on. Her brother just got out of jail... he didn't go in. But his mother feels like she can not leave him alone... so the stress comes from that. As far as her dad's job. It is a temporary job that he started. He does have medical insurance, but he wants to switch jobs to help better their finances... and in doing so, he will lose his insurance. There in lies the problem of her mother going to get help. There is a treatment that she can do at home, but it takes a long time and is hard to do without the help of a nurse.
Thank you for your prayers.

Tonight I made one of the best desserts in the world! My roomie and I were joking about how Ohio calls them buckeyes, and Penn. calls them peanut butter balls. In the midst of us laughing about the language differences (they call puppy chow... muddy buddies) she shared how her grandmother dips the peanut butter balls in carmel. So my creative little brain went to work and I decided to try and dip the buckeyes in both carmel and chocolate. Boy are they good! I can't wait to share them. For those of you who will not be enjoying them at the staff party tomorrow... I'll get around to making another batch soon and I will share them with you. Sorry Shawn, but I don't think I can send you any. Besides another racoon may get to them before you do. And then there would be another fat racoon running around downtown Cinci! :)

Anywayz, I am off to bed. I need sleep and it is 11pm. Oh, how time flies. Good night!

Saturday, December 11

Prayer request

Some of you have read this through our prayer chain, but I wanted to post it for those who are not in BG and have the opportunity to pray as well.

I am blown away to think of all the blessings God has showered upon me. He has restored my health, turned my finances into a positive situation, given me a strong family through the church and healed some wounds with my biological family. He tells me everyday that He loves me by putting the simplest surprises in my day to make me smile. He also shows that He loves me by giving me obstacles to build strength and character. He carries me when I need carried, encourages me when I'm down, and corrects me when I'm wrong. I know that all that I do will never measure to the one act He did, but I choose to try anyway. It's the least I can do to say thank you.
I also know that His power surpases anything. But as it has been mentioned... in order for complete restoration to occur, the person/s involved need to want it. My prayer request is that you pray for the heart's of my friend Amy's family. Amy and her parents are Christians. I know that Amy is faithful and lives the lifestyle that God is calling her to live. I'm not sure where her parents faith stands. And given the following information, I can only imagine that they are desperate to feel strength. Amy has two brothers. One is being home schooled when her mother's health is stable. Her mother has a health condition dealing with her lungs that can never be healed (according to earthly medicine). Lately, her health has been failing. A year ago, she went through similar downfalls and nearly died. She is quickly getting to that state again and has no choice but to wait to do something because hey have a strong chance of getting kicked off of their insurance because Amy's dad has been told he will not have a job in the next few days. On top of all of this, Amy's oldest brother, who is 21, is back in jail. (I think this may be the third time since he was 15. His heart is completely cold towards God and has been that way for a while. He grew up in a home that had faith and has betrayed nearly every biblical lesson he has been taught. Amy's youngest brother is following in his footsteps. Needless to say, all of this stress is one of the main reasons why their mother's health is quickly going. Please be in prayer for this family. A lot of work needs done and my heart is tempted to say that since there is so much restoration needed, it may never happen. But I know that isn't the truth and God can not be limited. I'll admit I'm not sure where or what to be praying for first, but God knows what needs to take place and the Holy Spirit knows where to move. I fully believe in the power of prayer, and our church has proven this. I also know that Amy will appreciate it. Her brother's hearts need to be changed! They need to give up the temporary pleasures of the world and come back to the love of God that I know they have felt when they were young.
P.S. Amy just recently moved to California and her family is in Cincinnati. Just one more bit of information that makes the situation a little harder for Amy and her parents as they are trying to be a support system for each other.

Thursday, December 9

battin a thousand...

...okay, so not really. I've actually struck out multiple times.

~wrong size sheets for scenes
~not seasoning the stone before cooking

Thank you Lord, for an understanding roommie.

Things have been a little crazy around here lately. Some unexpected work came up at the school that has occupied both Tammy's and my time. I think we've got the bulk of it done, but things will come up for the next few months. The "Oh, yeah..." moments.

Big furniture/office items have been coming to the school. We are running out of room to put them anywhere. Our library has become a storage unit. The good news is that the addition will be done in a few days! The occupancy permit needs to come... and that will take a little bit of time (given the past record with the city). Nonetheless, classes should begin in the new classrooms on January 3, 2005.

2005!!! Can you believe it is so soon?!? That blows my mind away. How crazy to think such things.

This next statement will come as a shock to at least one of you (and just so you know, I didn't fill you in before now because it was something I needed to pray about and work through). I think a few of you may know. Anywayz.... Don't let your heart and mind get ahead of your reading m.a.b.

Over the last couple of months, and opportunity was/has been/ and is still before me, to live in Uraguay. I have been asked to start an ESL (English as a Second Language) program for a small college there. All expenses paid. Starting this next July through November (second semester for them), and then returning in February for a full school year. I would be teaching soon to be pastors the English language so that they could communicate with their sister churches here in the states. I've never been given an opportunity to do something long term like this, and being single with very little debt (although it feels like a ton), this would be the perfect time to go.

However, I don't feel the Lord's leading to go. I left teaching last year for a reason. It wasn't my passion. Looking back now, I think I was trying to find what God wanted me to do with my life... I was simply trying different things until "the shoe fit". I know now that my profession or job and what city I live in are not "what" God wants me to do with my life. They are the "how". The "what" is to praise, honor and glorify Him. I've been working on that, and in the process... I feel that I have been given the freedom to choose the "how" - Admin. Assitant in Bowling Green.

This decision was very hard for me to make. I have a passion and a burden for different countries. And to be given the opportunity to go to a Spanish speaking country, where I was wanted and to have experiences that would radically change my life... was very hard for me to turn down. I honestly believe that even though God has called me to be a missionary in other countries... that as of right now, long term is not His "how". And Uraguay would have been long term... probably 5 to 10 years long.

(Deep breath) It feels good to be able to finally blog about this. It has been so heavy on my heart lately. I went through periods of thinking that I was going for sure and wondering how I was going to tell everyone here. And then to watch some situations unfold... this was one of the bigger struggles I have had (with myself). It still kinda blows my mind away... to think that I turned down a mission opportunity. Oh well. I am at peace with the decision and I am positive it is part of God's plan.

Wednesday, December 8


... simply dumbfounded.

Saturday, December 4

laughs, laughs, and more laughs

Today was so fun. It started with a long period of sleep that was well needed. I then went to Upwards basketball and measured how tall the kids were. The kids were fun to work with and created some laughter. I was asking the children how tall they thought they were before we took the measurements. One little boy guessed that he was 8 feet tall!! He was close! He was 4 feet tall. :) The parents and I had a good laugh on that one. Some other kids were actually pretty close, and another little boy, when given his height (in inches) said, "Hey, that's how much the doctor said I weighed.) I also got to see some of our students. One former student, Preston, and then Ryan, Nathaniel C., and Olivia.

After Upwards I went home and took a nap! I was awaken by a phone call, asking if Caitland could hang out with me and go to practice while the others went to dinner and a movie. So, Caitland and I went to Bob Evans, raced to practice and then went to Dairy Queen. I didn't get her home until 9:30. Hopefully that was ok! Anywayz, we had a guest at DQ. When I had asked Caitland what she was going to get (we were still at the church at this time), someone else said... "Ice cream!" so I invited him (JC) and he replied. "Sure, I never turn down an offer to get ice cream." Caitland cracked us up the whole time. I don't think she quite knew what to do with herself. So she talked... imagine that! :)

Well, I must be off to bed. It is now 11 and tomorrow is going to come to early. And yes, even though I slept late and I took a nap... I'm ready to sleep again. I love having an excuse to sleep, but this mono thing is getting old.

Good night!

Friday, December 3

Where did it go?

The week... it vanished. I'm not sure where all of the time went!?! My body feels like I've done a lot, but my brain says there is so much more to do.

Last night, I finally got fed up with not sleeping... (after sleeping so much over break and then coming back to work and a full schedule) so I went to a friend's house and took some of her ambian. That stuff works! I only woke up once last night... and even then I didn't fully wake up. Just enough to stumble (literally) to the bathroom and then go to bed. When I woke up this morning, I couldn't get out of bed! I think my body continued sleeping until about 9 this morning.

So I come to work and my boss/mom asked why I was waking up in the middle of the night and what might be keeping me awake. She asked if I had any dreams and then I remembered one that I had! I had to laugh, however, because the dream was her firering (spelling) me! She gave me a hug and reassurred me that she was not going to fire me! What good news!! :)

Well, I should go on to oher things... There's more to be done during lunch!