Tuesday, May 30

GG Birt died today.

She's been talking about "going home" for 20 years now.
She's there, with great grandpa and all of her siblings.

Violet Marie Birt. 90 years old.
I need a vacation from S****! (No, I didn't just swear... count the stars.) :)

So I went to Belle Center to get new brakes on my car, watch my sister in a parade and take pics of a 5 month old. I ended up putting new rotars on the car as well ($65 dollar bonus), missing my sister in her parade (I was 4 min. late to a 15 min. parade that started 10 min. early!) and not getting to take pics because the 5 month old was sick.

However, I did get to play a good game of pinnochle!

Things to smile about today:
:) no more tooth pain!

Thursday, May 25

Day 3 of tooth pain... Not exactly fun. The left side of my jaw is swollen, my glands in my throat are swollen, it's warm to the touch and my inner ear is starting to hurt. Sound like an infection to you too? Needless to say, I'm calling the oral surgen tomorrow to set up an appointment. It would be really nice if he said it was a medical necesity and that my health insurance will pay for it. Otherwise, I'll have to come up with $400 before they can take it out. They won't even work with a payment plan.

Things the children have said lately:
"My tummy, my legs... my tummy is to tired to do work."
"I like all pop... well, except for beer."
"We're wild!"
"Mommy said I shouldn't talk a lot today, you'll have to read my language for me."
"My kitty ran away to Louisianna."
"Miss E. killed a tarantula." (I really just scooped up a furry black spider out of the sand box and put him on the other side of the fence.)
"It seems like all you do is stand around." (yes, to a teacher)
When asked what she forgot... "My mojo."

Things to smile about:
:) funny statements
:) cool pics (maybe I'll try a different one this time) The one I was trying to post the other day can be seen on the welcome page at www.frontporchpics.bgstudio157.com
:) The last full week of classes will be complete tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 23

Nearly 26 and I'm cutting teeth. Unbelievable! The search for dental insurance has begun.

Things to smile about today:
:) sunshine
:) silence

Thursday, May 18

It's been awhile. Almost a month actually. I have no excuse other than not knowing what to write that would be of extreme interest. Even still, I'm sitting her wondering.

Things have been good. School is great and even though the kids are starting to check out, they are a blessing every day. (not to mention they still provide lots of good stories.) Today, a 5 was reading to Miss A. In the middle of reading, she stopped and said, "Why is Miss Erica wearing pink?" Miss A. replied, "Why are you wearing pink?" 5 -"Because it's my favorite color." Miss A. - "Doesn't your mommy wear pink?" 5 - "Only in her nighties."
I'm sure the mother would love to know that her daughter disclosed that information! :)

Softball season has started. That I am excited about. I'm not playing this year, but it is fun to hang out with the team. This summer will not lack excitement I"m sure.

Photography is going well. We are taking a pre-school's pictures next week. I just finished a fundraiser for MSBG and I have explored photoshop a little more. I've accomplished basic things, but the end result is pretty cool. I'll see if I can get the picture to post. Not sure because of our dial-up.

Well, 5 trys and 25 min. later. Sorry. I'll try again another time.

Things to smile about today:
:) the weekend coming soon
:) hanging with friends
:) playing scrabble