Thursday, July 27

I haven't been feeling well the last couple of days. This is really the first time in a long time. Which is good for me. I tend to be under the weather frequently. Of course, being able to sleep whenever I want to helps a lot.


Since Fri.
* New pair of walking shoes... I'm almost ready for another 3 mile walk!
* An amazing conversation with a friend at Jed's
* answered prayer with opportunities to talk about God
* lots of rain.... I love to watch it come down

Friday, July 21

Wow... I just got back from walking 3.3 miles... and I have 4 blisters to prove it... two on each feet. I think it is time to get new walking shoes.

Things to smile about today:
:) a peacful walk
:) quiet time
:) friends who give you a ride back to your car (when you are 3 miles away from it!)

Thursday, July 20

Things to smile about today:
:) finishing another good book
:) dinner with the girls... giggles...
:) time with K. Sterba

Tuesday, July 18

The Lord is good.

I have done a lot of praying over the last several days... weeks. Not that I normally do not pray, my heart is just really heavy for a few people. The Lord's response has been, "Wait." When I asked for what, He said, "Me." When I asked what He was going to do, He laughed and said, "That is why you have to wait." I knew He wasn't going to give me the answer, but I thought it was worth the shot.

So anywayz, I'm waiting. Waiting on His divine timing and love to burst through with a great outcome.

J and I have been dating for a few weeks and it really has been good. I'm learning so much... not just about him, but about myself. He is a great guy. I've had to wrestle with some questions... like, am I settling? But I am convinced that I am not! I had a great conversation with my mother... she was being Jesus to me. The whole thing about him not knowing the Lord personally... that is one of the questions that the Lord has told me to wait on. J has asked some questions (whether he realizes it or not) and has also made some comments here and there that shows it has been a thought every now and then. My hope is that it becomes more now's and fewer then's. I've been praying for 3 weeks now that as he is getting to know me, that he would see Jesus and want to get to know Him too. And that J would recognize that it is Jesus he wants to get to know better... not just a part of my personality.

This sounds an awful lot like missionary dating... but it's all about perspective. I'm being Jesus the best that I can be to a good friend that I really like to hang out with. Do I need to protect my heart? Abosolutely... I haven't traveled through this life this long to just put it out there without a lot of trust, honesty and thought. This may be my first relationship, but I've learned a lot from others... my parents first marraige to start with and many many more.

Honestly, my hope is that people trust who Jesus is in me, who I am in Him, and what God can do. I will make mistakes, but isn't that part of the journey?

Things to smile about today:
:) helping S get her room partially ready
:) the evening at the Dilbone's

Sunday, July 16

Things to smile about today:
:) a whole day with family
:) friends... "family"
:) the Bean
:) Dad appreciative of the letter
:) a good conversation with J about God
:) another year of growth and a deeper love for God
:) a new year of growth and a deeper love for God

;) (that's a wink) good b-day cards from SD

Friday, July 7

What a busy day!

So far, I have baked three dozen sugar cookies, 2 dz. raspberry bars, 2 dz. brownies, 3 dz. no bakes and I have chocolate chip cookies in the fridge that will be baked soon! Lots of cooking, but worth all of the energy. They are for the funeral tomorrow. So far, Tricia has done well. I think she is running off of adreniline and shock. (Her husband died this past Tues. of lymphoma.) I know that she wants to take care of everyone around her. She has even prayed for the strength to comfort everyone over the next few days. I hope she takes time to herself soon. She needs it. She does, however, have an amazing amount of support around her.

Things to smile about today:
:) celebrating the time Tricia had with Rick
:) dinner with Cindy
:) baking goodies
:) beautiful weather

Thursday, July 6

J and I went to Lima today to meet up with Tonia and G & G Armstrong. We had a good time. We wanted to eat at the Roadhouse, but they weren't open. Instead, we dinned at Applebee's. We had lots of good laughs. The waiter discovered that there were some birthdays at the table and threatened to sing and dance to us. Instead, we got balloons. After eating lunch together, we went to the mall. G & G and T got me gift certificates to Old Navy. I had fun spending them. I think it was the quickest turn around time for gift certificate giving in the world. Anywayz, I have some cute new clothes now. After coming home from Lima, we stopped at the Sterba's to give L the balloons. We ended up staying for dinner and watching tv. It was fun hanging out with them. I get to see L all the time... it was nice to enjoy K and S's company too. :)

Things to smile about today:
:) seeing T, G & G
:) conversations in the car
:) hanging with the Sterba's
:) cute clothes!

Thank you Lord for a beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 4

The following is a letter that the Lord wanted me to write to my father. I was also prompted to put in on my blog. If is speaks to your heart, believe that it was meant for you too.

I'm writing this letter in order to get thoughts out that have been on my heart. After you have time to process this, I welcome a conversation.
I know life has been stressful. I can see it in your eyes. Grandma, Grandpa, Wes... all the details that go with that, including your own health, it's all boiled down to more than you can handle. Then add in everyday life activities of having a young family. It's okay to break down. It's okay to grieve. It's okay to ask for help. You are not suppose to carry all of this responsibility. You were never meant to be under this much stress. However, you will continue to live like this. Unless you give up. I don't mean give up on life or on activities or even give up on health and happiness. I mean to give everything up to God. Give Him your worries, your plans, your ideals, your health, your family's health. Give Him your time, your attention, your love. He is waiting. He wants you to lean on Him if not let Him carry you. He wants to give you a hope. He wants to give you joy, peace, patience. He wants to be in the center of your life. He wants to be in control.
Circumstances in life will not change, but God can change you. He can change the source of your hope. He can become the rock you stand on.
He longs for you to make this desicion. It can be intimidating to give up control, but when you do there is a sense of peace that you will remember forever.
You don't have to change before God will take your worries. He wants to take them now. You don't have to know everything about leaning on Him, you don't have to do everyting perfect the first time. He accepts you the way you are. He loves you as you are. He will speak to you in the future about what to do. You just have to listen. (and that takes practice.)

So what do you need to do today?

*Confess to God that you don't want to, nor can you, live like this anymore.

* Apologize for doing this on your own for so long and ignoring His call.

* Confirm that He is God. He is powerful enough to handle your life circumstances.

* Believe that Jesus came and lived a similar life of pain and that He died, on the cross, so that you could have a relationship with Him.

* Ask Him to come take control. Take your worries, your fears and replace it with His peace and understanding.

*Thank Him for interceeding in your life. For doing the things you just requested.

* Thank Him for loving you.

* Ask Him to guide you through life.

If you sincerly went through the above mentioned points, know that you are now a child of God's. That means He is your heavenly father. And He loves you just as much as a father loves His children. Also know that you will spend eternity in Heaven.
God coming into your life is a gift. You don't need to do anything to earn His love. He already loves you more than you can fathom. He just wants to spend time with you. In prayer, through the Bible and sometimes through other people who have the same faith.

You don't have to worry about anything now.

Sunday, July 2

I can't believe that it is July already. Where did June go? I guess I've been having to much fun!!

J and I have been hanging out a lot lately. Thursday we went to the MudHens game and then to see Click. It's hard to explain exactly what I am feeling right now. I'm sure most of you understand. Having never dated... I'm trying to put pieces together as they come. It's scary yet exciting to receive so much attention.

I had a conversation on Friday that was frustrating yet heart breaking at the same time. It hit a lot of memories. Ones that I have been able to forgive and yet the enemy has used them in a new way to dig even deeper.

I am overwhelmed with the number of people close to me that are in need of prayer. I know that we all can use it on a day to day basis, these people need Jesus. I knew it before... so I guess it is my heart changing and my eyes opening more than the people that are around. Still... I've decided that I am going to take the next 40 days to really focus on prayer for this specific list. I want to be able to take at least 1 hour if not 1.5 hours every day just for these people. Please keep me accountable. I think that the desire God has put in my heart will be enough, but the enemy will be working and it is always nice to know that someone is going to question you on it. Feel free to comment or email to kick my rear if need be.

Thurs. I am going to Lima to meet Tonia (my aunt), Daniel (her hubby) and G & G Armstrong for a late lunch. I am so excited! It will be T's 26th birthday. Growing up she has always always, always pointed out to me that she was older than I was by 11 days. It was a big deal at 13, 16, 18, 21... but now. ha ha ha ha ha ha... I've got her for the rest of our lives! :) I get to use her own statement against her. She'll be 30 before me... over the hill before me... Therefore, OLD before me! (If you're reading this T... know I love ya!) This has always added extra fun to our lives. Of course, we act more like sisters than and aunt and her niece. She enjoyed her time of teasing... I shall enjoy mine. :)

G Ropp was at OSU Friday getting blood work done. Then Sat. we spent a few hours in the Bellefontaine emergancy room with him. Gma thought that maybe he was bleeding internally because he has absolutely no strength Sat. morning. He didn't even get up to take all of his meds or to eat. After having that blood work done, his energy should have been higher (at least that's what I thought since they were giving him blood platlettes). Anywayz, he is doing well, at least as far as I know, now. He was dehydrated. He should be home. It was rough seeing Gma. Once Gpa was out of the car and Uncle M had him in the emergency room, she started crying. She kept saying "What am I going to do without him?" Over and over again. It broke my heart. I know that the time is coming. He has to may strikes against him. Even the doctors aren't has positive as they use to be. Granted they have to be careful for legal reasons, but still. The reality of it doesn't get easier.

Mom and M are in N. Carolina. Part of me wishes I was there with them. I'm itching to get out of Ohio.

Baked banana bread tonight. The house smells so good!

Got my piano tunned!!!!!!!

Finished my 7th book of the summer.

Spending lots of time with the precious little Lily.

Okay.... I think that is all I have tonight. :)

Things to smile about:
:) Most things mentioned above.