No, I didn't count my posts. I'm not that weird. It just told me how many I have posted prior to this one and I didn't know what else to title tonight, so I listed the number.
A more appropriate title could possibly be "My brother, Wesley's miracle"
(I started typing the whole story and it got way to long. Here is a very short but detailed version.)
Tuesday night, 11:35 p - sound asleep
Phone call from mom
Wes has been in a serious car accident, being life flighted to OSU (note, no medical insurance)
Phone call from Sherry (step-mom)
Wes knew who Dad and Sherry were at the scene but didn't recall the accident. Complaining about shoulder pain.
I called grandparents.
Grandparents call back asking questions I don't have answers to and confirming that they can't sleep either.
1:00 a - Phone call from Mike (step-dad)
Wes is ok. Broken collar bone, bumps, bruses, frustrated he isn't allowed to go home. Doctor said it was a miracle and that his chances of coming out the way he did = 1 in 100,000
Call gparents again.
8:00 a - Wes still at hospital with neck brace on. Surgeon hasn't been able to look at x-rays yet. Mom, Mike and Sherry at respective homes, Dad at hospital.
3:00 p - Wes released
8:00 p - Details. At a turn in the road, the truck's passenger front wheel went off road. Wes corrected. When he did, the tire either popped or was ripped apart. Sent the truck screeching sideways. Hit the ditch parallel and sent the truck in the air. Flipped 3 times from side over to other side. Both sides of the truck (F250 King Ranch) caved in, approx. 150 feet into the bean field. Wes was found only 20 feet from truck and most likely feel out at the first or second flip. (Details known because Mike use to be a police man and investigated these things.) Truck totaled. Wes in a lot of pain, but in his own house with several people looking out for him.
Almost 24 hours later and it still feels like a dream. I haven't seen pictures and I was aleep when mom called...
Things to smile about today:
:) Wesley's life
:) God's peace
:) Auto-Insurance