Tuesday, August 30

$3.00 parking ticket

Yes, I got a $3 parking ticket. I forgot to put a coin in the meter at lunch today. What was I thinking? (I guess you could argue that I wasn't... :) )

m.a.b. - I'm a little surprised you don't know who I am talking about! Think turtleneck and a day and a half in your room because math work would just ruin her life! As far as the tantrum, it was a surprise to me, but not to Tricia.

Day 2 at school went just as well as day 1. One little boy cried (a different one) at the end of the session. I'm not sure if he was sad that he was leaving or if he had just figured out that mommy wasn't there. Either way, mom was waiting at the door and he calmed down. Unfortunately, our little boy who was overwhelmed yesterday and threw a minor fit, wasn't here today. Mom called saying that he and his little brother had fevers of 102! I hope that he is well enough to come tomorrow. This week is so important. Especially for him!

Today we learned how to pull out and push in our chair. We also learned peg work. The children are having fun as new options are being opened with each day. Our peace corner was used a lot today, too!

Well, I'm hungry and I just got home from work. So... I'm going to go eat dinner. I hope all of you had a great day!

Things to smile about:
:) Rain
:) an hour lunch with the EC teachers and the new director (at Panera!)
:) Dry, warm clothes

Monday, August 29

And we're off...

1 crying 4 year old...
1 semi-tantrum 4 year old...
and 34 other "honey mooners"...

I call them "honey mooners" because this is considered our honeymoon week. Reality will hit next week with some of the kids when they start coming for a longer length of time. This week is good, in that it gives them the reassurance that mommy and daddy will come back for you, but doesn't have the same feel to it as a full day.

So today we learned some very important lessons. The first lesson of the day was showing them our special room. We told them the name of this special room was the bathroom. We then proceeded to show them where the light switch was, where the toilet paper was, how to flush the toilet, turn out the light, and then a complicated 6 step process to wash your hands. :) Granted none of this is really difficult for adults, but to the little ones, one or two steps can get left out frequently... and depending on the step... it isn't to pretty. As always, one of our little girls forgot to shut the door before she went to the bathroom. It was a race to see which teacher could get there first! ;)

After that demonstration, we learned how to carry a basket, bowl and tray very carefully so that nothing would spill. We also learned how to unroll a rug, get our name cards (this is one of the most exciting steps), do a puzzle, put the name card away and roll up the rug. Don't let the rug get away from you!

Okay, I know. I sound like I'm crazy... and some of you already believe that. But I'm not. Today was a very important day to establish the ground rules so that our classroom can become a community and support a more nurturing environment for the children to learn. If the basics are covered and supported by the teachers, then the whole child can be developed from there.

And (drum roll please...) MY FIRST STORY OF THE YEAR!
One of our 5 year olds, who we will call Danielle (just because using my roomie's name sounds like a good idea right now), was asked to demonstrate how to carry a basket. Miss Tricia had already shown this work and wanted to give the children a turn. Danielle asked if she could have a turn and so Miss Tricia called on her. As soon as she stood up, she froze. She didn't want to move. Miss Tricia asked if she could walk with her to the Practical Life shelf to get the basket to carry. Danielle responded that she was scared. When Miss Tricia acknowledge that she was scared, the little girl started shaking her knees. You could tell that she wasn't shaking out of emotion, but rather for attention. You could also tell that she was trying her hardest to make it look real. Once Miss Tricia grabbed her hand, everything seemed to be okay. She later acted out the shaking of knees when it became time to choose work. Danielle will some day act on stage. I am sure of it!

Things to smile about today:
:) A great first day
:) A nap when I got home from school

Saturday, August 27

So my grandmother now knows that I have a tattoo. Although she addmitted that it was cute, she told me never to do it again. :) She actually found out through my mother. Of everyone who knew, I figured it would be my aunt who would tell her! :) Anywayz, grandma called me tonight and went on and on about how no one in the family knew who it was and that they were guessing that it was my cousin in the reserves over seas.... She was trying to get me to admit it and I wasn't playing her game. Finally, she started laughing and said in her cute voice, "Oh, Erica. How's your butterfly?" That's when I directed her to my blog and she said it was cute.

So... that has been the end of my day. The beginning of my day actually started with a huge project. Although I went through some things and threw out a lot at the beginning of the summer, I went through things again. I have a huge pile of clothes that are going. I'm also getting rid of three pairs of shoes and some other odd stuff. My closet looks so much better! My final challenge to my room is to find a place for the gigantic thing of a suitcase that I have. It won't fit in my closet and it looks rather odd as a piece of furniture in my bedroom. Especially since the room isn't that big. I'll just have to be creative! Nothing like a good challenge.

School starts on Monday. I think this year is going to go well. With 27 kids in the morning and 26 in the afternoon, the three of us will have a lot to do. We all have a sense of calm that will greatly help set the tone of the room, however, and I am confident that it will be fine. I know for sure that one of our new students will be a handful. Giving him guidlines and structure within the room will be good. At the open house he was sitting on the tables and having one topple over on him, getting work from one area and putting it in another (even after being directed to the correct area), etc. But, he is 4 and has not yet learned the rythm of the room.

Well, I'm going to go. I sat down to watch the Bronco/Colt game and have yet to get more than 5 min. at a time. Not that I haven't enjoyed the things that have taken place instead, but I want to watch the last quarter (or at least what's left of it). :)

Things to smile about today:
:) Stories that I will eventually have to tell about the kids at school
:) organization
:) the cutest pair of purple baby booties finished

Wednesday, August 24

Kids aren't at school yet...

... and I've already lost my brain! :)

My proof?

I was washing my hands today when I got home from work. Everything was normal. Water running, soap forming bubbles... and then I go to dry off my hands. I picked up the towel only to realize that I had yet to rinse my hands!!! Water was still running. I always turn the water off after rinsing my hands and BEFORE I go to dry them off.

Anywayz, I'm fried.

Tuesday, August 23


I don't have a whole lot to share and yet I feel like I haven't blogged in forever. I'm not sure if there is nothing going on or if my thoughts are moving to fast to slow them down to type. Today, Tricia and I decided not to go into the classroom. We are finished except with the decisions of where to place the plants. I think they are a little to big and we might be returning them tomorrow, but anywayz...

Today was a good day to sit and pray, think, research and think some more. I'm struggling to answer so many questions right now. Where the church is and what God is doing has me completely... I don't even know. I'm at a loss for words. I know that I don't have to have all of the answers today, but I would like to. The biggest questions I have right now are
1. How do I love the church body and not support the decision of the church at the same time?
I know that this feels like an easy one to answer, but my mind hasn't grabbed a hold of it yet. I want to support those at the church and continue to keep the family aspect that we have been creating and growing into for so long... however, I feel like continuing to attend the church is showing support of all of it's decisions and "guidelines" and that just rubs me the wrong way. I can't place my finger on it, but something hasn't settled in me since this all started.

and 2. I know what the decision would be if I had a "neo-Pentecostal manifestaion"... but I don't, at least not at this point in my life. So... do I continue with the decision that would be held if I had one (concluding that my belief in these manifestations, and willingly allowing God to use them in my life, are considered equal with having one) or do I disregard all of those thoughts as these are not matters that will keep people from becoming children of God, and therefore, allow myself to stay with an organization that puts God in a box when it comes to this topic.

Then, along with those questions and a few more that follow... I've been curious about the spiritual gifts. I started really studying them today and have found some interesting thins. There are two different types of gifts (from what I have studied thus far) in terms of how God gives them. When looking into the Greek root words for the words gift, there are, naturally, several different ones. The two that I found relevent to the passages that I studied this morning are quite different. When referencing Eph. 4 and the gifts that are listed there, the word gift comes from the Greek root meaning gratuity or offering. This form is for the reference of gift in verse 8. In verse 7, the Greek root has a general application of - to give. What caught my attention is that the form of offering was used in the same sentence as the list of gifts.

Keeping that in mind, switch to 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and 1 Peter 4. When the word gift is used in these sentences, it goes to the Greek root of Charisma. That then translates, in Greek, as - to grant as a favor, qualification, endowment.

I haven't yet put all of the pieces together, but I find it interesting that some gifts are given as offerings (meaning something is given up in order to have them) and that some gifts are given as a favor. All are from God and He decides who gets which one...

I don't know. It's after midnight and I think I just rambled on. I'm not sure if this post makes any sense, but I'm not going to erase it. I haven't come to any conclusions, and I am still, obviously, in the middle of two mind stretching decisions. I'm not even sure how they connect at this point other than they both revolve around spiritual gifts.

So yeah... that's what's goin on in my head. Scary huh? ( and I wasn't sure what to blog about :) )

Things to smile about today:
:) assurance of God's timing
:) kintted booties and hats

Saturday, August 20

Tattoo Pictures

Here it is! One up close to show the "detail" and one to show how small it is. (Showing how small it is will hopefully ease my mother's mind about this. :) )

Friday, August 19

Sara D.

Happy Birthday dear friend!!
(sorry it's 24 hours late).

By the way... I said the wrong vegetable. I'll have to scratch out cucumber and write in zucchini. :)

Tuesday, August 16

Not a whole lot to blog about tonight...

Got a tattoo (love it!... will hopefully post a picture soon)
Got the classroom oh so close to being ready for the first day of school

Yep... that's about it. :)

Things to smile about today:
:) my butterfly tattoo
:) the smell of sharpened pencils
:) wonderful friends

Sunday, August 14

How can you love someone, truely, and not agree with how God is working in their life? How can you be excited for someone when you don't support what you are excited about? How can you say you believe something is from God but you refuse to trust Him in how He may or may not incorporate it into your life? How can you stand on such a firm ground that isn't based upon The Corner Stone?

I don't have answers for these questions. And I don't believe I'll get answers for these questions because they are so contradicting.

I found something interesting today. It kinda shocked me, as it is very direct. I don't have a prayer language and I have never spoken in tongues... I haven't even been around anyone when this was happening (that I know of), but I know that it is biblical. If God ever chooses to give me this gift, I won't refuse it. (For those that may be randomly reading my blog or do not know what I am referencing here, go to http://dilbonedaily.blogspot.com and read his post "makes no sense". (Hope it was ok that I referenced you Dilbone :) ) Dilbone describes everything better than I could... and I don't have to type all of it! :) Anywayz, here was a verse that I found today. I'll let you develop your own thoughts. I know where mine are. Not sure how I am going to act on them just yet, and I have some more praying and thinking to do, but another light has been turned on and I am going to continue looking for light switches.

Therefore, my brothers, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way. 1 Corinthians 14:39-40

Was there any room left for things to be done in a fitting and orderly way?

Wednesday, August 10

So I complain about gas prices...

... and God gives me a solution to not using the gas up in my car. Not so sure if I favor the idea and didn't really enjoy the process of making things normal again, but I agree... it was a solution! :) The solution you ask? Oh, something small... like my car not starting! :) See if I ever complain about gas prices again! The whole thing makes me laugh when I think about it from this perspective. I must say that there was an answer to prayer in all of this. Once I saw my car go byebye behind a big scary tow truck, I prayed that total costs (towing, parts and labor) would be under $100.00. I know that the towing alone was going to be $35.00... so this left little room for parts and labor. This morning I got a phone call saying that no parts needed to be replaced and the computer chip just needed to be reset. When I got the final bill, it was for $99.05! I just had to laugh. I'm sure the guy at the garage thought I was nuts for giggling a little, but he didn't ask and I didn't tell. My mother's reaction to this story was, "Couldn't you have prayed that it would have been under $50.00?" Yes, I guess I could have, but honestly... I thought asking for $100.00 was a little tight.

Anywayz, the reason the computer chip needed to be replaced was because the theft alarm system had been triggered. I don't know what set it off, but it wouldn't let my car start until it had been reset. Apparently this is an hour long process... hince the cost of labor being so high.

So yeah, that's my car story. I've been in the classroom with Tricia for the past two days. We have accomplished a lot of work! All of the shelves are cleaned. A lot of the work has been replaced for the beginning of the year, and half of the wicker furniture has been spray painted. We also have the best peace corner in the school (I know, I know... it's not a compitition) and quite a few new pictures on the walls to replace some old ones. I was thankful she was the one who suggested replacing them. The fat gold frames just weren't looking all to new anymore. There is a lot of work left to do in the room, but we are well ahead of schedule and excited about the new year starting!

Okay, gotta go. The bannana nut dressing needs my attention in order to have it finished for tonight!

Things to smile about today:
:)God's blessings (sometimes a.k.a. His sense of humor)
:)times of growth
:)the anticipation of new funny stories from the kids

Saturday, August 6

It's only money, It's only $, It's...

That's what I was thinking today as I filled my tank. I'm not one to complain about gas prices because it is out of my control and I have created a world around me that won't allow me to walk to all of my destinations, but $2.30 is a little crazy!

Anywayz, the past coule of days have been relaxing. Friday I did nothing! Well, that's not entirely true. I did 4 loads of laundry while reading the second half of one book and the first half of another (which I finished today!). This makes 5 books in one week. :) I'm not sure what has gotten into me. I enjoy reading, but never have I read so much. I think I'm actually getting faster when I read. It didn't take me near as long to read these last few. I'm going to enjoy it while I can, however. School starts soon and I will officially be in my classroom starting Monday. I can't wait to see my co-teacher. When I have been out of town, she is home and withing 48 hours of me beeing in town, she is not! I haven't seen here since the middle of June!

I'm starting to get a little nervous about this upcoming year. My co-teacher has been the "head" teacher in our room for years. She has a routine. I'm coming in with ideas and I'm not sure how they will be received. Don't get me wrong, she is the one of the sweetest ladies I have ever known... but when you have taught for so long and have found so many things to be true or false... I guess I just hope that I will not rebel against her wisdom and trust what she has learned from her own experience. I can be one that wants to try it on my own if I am convinced it will work, even if someone tells me it won't. When I have a plan in my head, I like to at least try it. I'm not very good at letting it go and continue with the "norm".

Okay, so I've babbled. That means it is time to go to bed. Getting on a schedule is my next item of business. My goal is to be up around 6:30 every morning. Week or weekend. We'll see! :) Note I used the word goal.
Good night!

Things to smile about today:
:) Reading a good book, or two
:) Knitting! Yes, I'm back in the swing of it! This sweater has been sitting to long.
:) The weather. Was today not the most beautiful day you have ever seen?

Wednesday, August 3

Since Friday

I have been...

*to the Getty Center. It is huge art museaum with gardens and a really good view of L.A. and the surrounding cities. I got to see Rembrandt's religious portraits, Paul Strand's and Frederick Sommer's photography and many 17th century English furniture and sculptures.
*to Gryffith Park and took a picture of the Hollywood sign.
*to downtown Hollywood. (Didn't see any stars.)
*down Sunset Blvd and passed by Beverly Hills.
*through San Diego on the Old Town Trolly tour. We got to see several different places in San Diego that we wish we would have known about at the beginning of the week. We could have spent a day (at least) at each of the stops that we went to, but only had a few hours or less.
*to a really neat Irish Pub. They had a live band. The music was good and the company was fun.
*on four different planes with one of the layovers in Las Vegas, where 50 cents was played on the slot machine and no money was won in return.

The trip was fun. If I ever get to spend some time there again, I would go to the San Diego/Point Loma area. I enjoyed LA, but would have been content to spend all of my time in the southern part of the state. I was glad that I got to see my highschool friend. If you think of her, pray. I'm not sure what God is doing in her life, but I was used for a painful part. Although I am sure that the conversation we had was one that God orchestrated and had planned, it was hard. I had to tell her things that she was not willing to receive. My hope is that her heart becomes soft and begins to listen to His voice. Life is only going to get worse if she doesn't. So yeah, just pray.

I should have pictures soon. I hope I will get them to the lab tomorrow. Speaking of pictures... the photos I put in the fair didn't do anything. I wish that we were given feedback or comments about what the judges thought. I really would like to improve, but I have no clue what they were looking for or what they didn't see in my pictures that they wanted to see. It's a little frustrating, but it will only push me to go further and learn more. I have to keep telling myself that I have only done this for a short period of time.

Things to smile about today:
:) a safe return home
:) seeing my friends ( I can't wait to see the rest of you!)
:) "Since you've been gone" ... I so needed this song today roomie. The weather was perfect for having the windows down while I was driving and it felt like the appropriate song at the time. :)